Today has been a monumental day, and I feel humbled and honoured to have been able to watch as Barack Obama was elected to be the 44th President of the United States of America. In reflecting in the hours that have passed since his victory speech, I've been thinking back to those early musings, and have continued to wonder about people's awareness in these moments. I think (hope) that we're all aware of the significance of Obama's speech, and the potential for it to enter into history as one of "those" moments - the "yes, we can" element of the speech, in particular.

What has also struck me, though, is that it is a moment of hope. Hope that was so clearly etched on the faces (and in the tears) of those who celebrated in Grant Park, Times Square, and in so many other places. Hope that came through in Obama's speech. Hope that maybe we stand on the edge of something great - of a restoration, of a re-ordering. Hope that from this moment forward, things will be different. There is no guarantee that we have witnessed one of those moments, today, but I'm sure as Obama strode out onto that platform, he was aware of the potential, aware of the hope.
Should Obama deliver on that hope, then yes, this speech (and, I would imagine) a number of his other speeches so far, and yet to come, will indeed mark turning points. We will, for decades to come, look back, as we do now on JFK, on Martin Luther King, Jr, on Robert F. Kennedy, and remember where we were when these events took place.
I have to confess, though that while I have hope, I have fear, also. My greatest fear is of someone doing something stupid - as happened to each of those leaders I've just mentioned. Yes, that will also become a moment, but it will be a moment when hope is crushed, destroyed. I also fear that Obama will be unable to deliver on the promises and hope that he's created - that the expectation of change which has swept him to the Oval Office will be insatiable, unrealistic, and, in the end, undeliverable.
Let's pray I am wrong on both counts, and that hope wins the day.