[I thought about titling this "Why I love Football", but I knew there would be an uproar from my friends south of the Equator, so NFL it is... and let's not even get started on those who say only the roundball game is truly Football...]
Before we moved to Canada, I had some interest in the NFL. Mostly, that had consisted of watching the Super Bowl, because we didn't really get much access other than that. However, when OneHD launched, suddenly we had the opportunity to watch multiple games each week (fortunately my DVR allowed me to not have to get up at 4 am to watch them...)
Over the last couple of years, watching an NFL game on a Sunday has became a big part of our weekly rhythm - I have certainly enjoyed having Sunday Night Football (or a recording of an earlier game) to help me unwind at the end of a weekend. I have finally become an unabashed Patriots fan (I take quite a bit of criticism for that, but what can you do...?), and so obviously I'm excited about next Sunday's big game... hoping for a reversal of the last time these two teams met on the big stage.
A couple weeks ago I had an opportunity to teach at our site and as part of my message, I mentioned where my love of the NFL has come from. I believe it is one of the greatest examples of a true team sport - where each person who's part of the team needs to play their role for the team to be successful. Sure, there are other sports which have that element (basketball still remains No 1 in our house...), but in many other sports, it's easier for one person to dominate and make a huge difference. In the NFL, each person needs to play their role or there is no chance of team success. Yes, a great QB makes a difference, yes, having incredible TEs can change things, but every player needs to be ready to contribute, no matter their role. The results of last weekend prove the value of a kicker...
Far too often though, we find ourselves thinking about how important we are. Whether that is in our career, our friendships, our churches... if we're honest, a lot of the time, our focus is on ourselves. While it is certainly true that we need to continue to play whatever role we have been given to the best of our ability (particularly if we're in a leadership position), I wonder how much difference it would make if we focused on our role in the context of the team we're playing on - and how we encourage our teammates to be the best they can be as well.
I need to prepare as best I can... for the sake of the team. I need to take care of myself so I'm in good condition... for the sake of the team. I need to be focused on the right things... for the sake of the team. I need to encourage the other people on our team to do their best... for the sake of the team.
I wonder how much difference it would make if we all approached life from that perspective - certainly I'm sure it would mean our motivation would go up at different times (instead of the consequences just being about me, I realize if I make a wrong choice, that affects us all...). At the very least, we would shift the focus from ourselves to those around us and our communities and that in itself is always a good thing.
What teams are you part of?
How much are you performing at your peak for your team?
What can you do this week to increase the contribution you make to your team(s)?