I said at the start of this year that I
wasn’t scared about today coming – in fact, quite the opposite. I’ve been looking forward to turning 40 because I know
it’s a major milestone and I wanted to hit 40 being more focused and intentional and more fit than I’ve ever been before. While I can't say with 100% certainty that it's true, I know I’m close – I’m more focused and intentional in lots of ways – I know more than ever what I want my life to be about and spend a good chunk of time focusing on that. I also feel as fit or more than I ever
have and my physical disciplines, especially working out in the mornings, are
as good as they’ve ever been.
I’ve used this marker as a time to do lots
of reflection – What do I want my life to be about? What do I want to do that I haven’t done
before? What are the things that bring
me the most joy? What are the things I
focus on that I can’t actually change? Where have I been impacted the most and by whom or what?
In the coming weeks and months, I'm going to share 40 of my reflections - a list of 40 things that I wanted to do as I turned 40 (thanks for the idea, Zulema!), 40 songs and books that have impacted me the most. The majority of reflections will come from the list of 40 things I know I can't change and I'm looking forward to unpacking the implications of them.
My hope in sharing these thoughts is to gain greater clarity and insight into what I've been reflecting on, but also to inspire and challenge the people in my life who I know will read this. I'm excited to share them with you and to start this new chapter in my life.
You are very welcome! Looking forward to reading future posts and poaching ideas from you as I gear up for 40.