Jesus says that the Dream of God (Kingdom) is like a farmer who throws seed into a field, then is amazed as it pretty much grows on its own - he doesn't really know how it happens, but the soil grows a sprout, then a stalk, then a head, then a full head of grain, so he harvests it (Mark 4:26-29)

Imagine if we functioned that way - not that we don't put any effort in at all - the farmer had to plant the seed (which, I think it's fair to assume means he'd prepared the ground first), but that we set up environments for growth to occur organically, then sit back in amazement at what God does around us. And creating an environment for ourselves to grow (what's my soil like right now? what seed have I scattered around the place lately?), as well as talking about creating environments for others to grow.
Organic is one of our key values at CitySoul, and is becoming a bigger and bigger part of my thinking and understanding. Organic means natural, not forced, slow growth... the farmer, in some ways couldn't have sped up the process (and we all know how fake and less alive food tastes when the growth process has been sped up...)
Imagine if we were more focused on creating environments (preparing the soil, scattering seed) where growth can organically occur. Imagine if we were more content to realise that (whether we sleep or get up, as Jesus' story says) God is growing the seed. Imagine if we would allow ourselves to be surprised (and blessed) by God more often as we scratch our heads and say "how did that grow?!"
Imagine if...
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