ran·dom [ran-duhm]
– adjective
proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern

cog·i·ta·tion [koj-i-tey-shuhn]
– noun
concerted thought or reflection; meditation; contemplation

me [mee]
- pronoun
someone jotting down thoughts, reflections, meditations and contemplations with no definite aim, reason or pattern.

I hope you find it useful...

Thursday, 22 February 2007

updated picture of acts 2

I had coffee this arvo with an old friend - Matt Hawke - and as we revisted old times, one of the things I reminded him of was the best definition I've ever heard of young adult's ministry... that he wrote. As we talked some more, I realised it's actually a perfect contemporary picture of the acts 2 community I'd love to be a part of...
"I dream of finding a group of young people who share my passion, to which I can belong and in which I can feel safe. I dream of laughing, playing, crying, coffee-ing, movie-ing and worshipping with the group. I dream of finding a smaller set of people, maybe just a few or a couple, with whom I can be totally and plainly honest, open and real. I dream of finding people who love me for me - yes I mean it."


  1. I've actually just managed to locate the original document of which this quote was a part. It's quite challenging and inspiring to reread the things I was dreaming about 3+ years ago, and to reflect on how those dreams have eventuated.

    I think I'll dream some more, and I think I'll try to do so more often...

    - Matt

  2. You told me a while ago that this quote existed, but I never knew what it was (despite wondering at times, I never asked).

    I think you're spot on Nath - while is the perfect model for young adult stuff, it's also a perfect description of the 'symptoms' of community.

    As an aside, one thing strikes me: a couple that you can be 100% honest with - sound like three people you've heard of anywhere?
